Are You Missing All The Opportunities Your Kids Are Trying To Connect?


Are You Missing All the Opportunities Your Kids Are Trying to Connect?

Life is busy, and as parents, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day chaos—work, household tasks, schedules, and everything in between (like being on your phone). But amidst all of this, there’s something we might be overlooking: the subtle ways our kids are trying to connect with us.

Maybe it's the random story they share about their day, the request to play a quick game, or even that seemingly unimportant question they ask. In my experience with my teens, it’s when they leave their bedrooms and randomly sit by me on the couch on their phone or, walk into the kitchen and walk back out again. Sometimes they might even ask for help with something they are capable of doing on their own. These are their bids for connection—small but powerful moments where they’re reaching out to us, hoping for our attention, affection, or simply a sign that we’re listening.

Lately, I’ve been focused on this, making a conscious effort to be aware of those small bids for connection. And you know what? The more I acknowledge them, the more my kids offer. It's like a ripple effect—each time I show up fully in those moments, the more they feel safe and eager to connect. They open up more, seek me out more often, and our bond feels stronger because of it.

The reality is, if we’re not paying attention, we could be missing out on these opportunities. We might be brushing off these attempts because we’re distracted or assuming there will always be another moment. But those small moments build the foundation for strong, trusting relationships with our kids.

Take a moment to pause and be fully present. Listen to that story, engage in that game, or answer that question with genuine attention. These everyday interactions are the building blocks of deeper connections—something many of us crave but often miss. Embracing these moments can transform your relationship and create the closeness you’ve been seeking.

Credit - Tulsi Parenting Hub - Tuning into Teens

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