Meet your bonus Coach's
I'm so excited to share this with you, because it's been a secret I've had to keep for so long.
When I was carefully packaging together my signature program, not only did I want to guide, educate, nurture and support women to become successful and soul-aligned in life, I also wanted to provide incredible value so that they could fast track their progress and be completely held within this container.
So when I was thinking about all of the ways in which I could do this, I drew inspiration from the benefits I had experienced by two beautiful women (that I know and had been following) during my own journey of connection to self and spirituatl growth.
I already knew that they were energetically aligned with me and my work and so, I knew that they would be the perfect fit for us all here.
As soon as I had the vision of gifting you guys with access to their guidance, I got in touch with them both to see if they would be interested in collaborating and they were both a humble YES i'd love to.
Introducing Pip ...
Intuitive Messenger
Pip Wehipeihana Kaea
I use my intuition and spiritual gifts to help people gain insight and clarity by, providing intuitive readings to help them navigate their lives with more awareness, focus, and purpose.

Kia ora koutou katoa
Ko Tainui te Waka, Ko Hoturoa te Rangatira, Ko Maungatautari te Maunga, Ko Waikato te Awa, Ko Raukawa to Iwi, Ko Ngāti Koroki te Hapu, Ko Pohara raua ko Maniaroa nga Marae, Ko Pip Wehipeihana Kaea toku ingoa, No Tokoroa ahau.
Tena koutou katoa.
My name is Pip, and I’m an Intuitive Messenger.
Over the past 12 months, I have used my intuition and spiritual gifts to help people gain insight and clarity about their lives. I have worked both online, through various social media platforms, and in face-to-face interactions, providing intuitive readings to help clients navigate their lives with more awareness, focus, and purpose.
In addition, I create and share online content that resonates with my audience, such as daily affirmations and providing oracle or tarot card readings. I continue to enhance my spirituality through meditation, attending workshops and retreats, and working with spiritual mentors.
As an Intuitive Messenger, I am dedicated to serving others and helping to uplift their wellbeing. I show kindness and compassion to those I work with, and I always approach my work with an open heart and a willingness to adapt to their needs.
Regardless of the platform or setting, I maintain a deep level of empathy, intuition, and trust in the guidance I receive from my Tupuna/ ancestors. I pride myself on creating a safe and supportive space for people to explore their innermost thoughts and feelings, and to connect with their own inner wisdom and guidance.
Overall, being an Intuitive Messenger is a rewarding and fulfilling path that allows me to use my unique gifts and talents to help others on their journey of spiritual growth. To quote an inspiring phrase, "Hope is the power of believing anything is possible."
Tena koutou, Tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.
** Each VIP client will receive 1 x 1:1 Reading with Pip, that can be arranged at a time that suits you both.
** Pip will also be providing a live group reading inside this mastermind container.
Introducing Natasha ...
Yoga Teacher and
Reiki Practitioner
Natasha Francesca Turner
What I offer through my teachings is the perspective that we are more powerful than we think. As humans, we are not just physical. We are energetic bodies too, and I help you learn how to honour yourself and protect your energy.

Hiii, my name is Natasha. I live in Coffs Harbour on the East Coast of Australia. I'm currently working on creating the life I've always dreamed of living. In a sense not knowing exactly what that looked like but having a deep understanding that there is so much more to life and our potential than I have previously given credit to.
My highest value is freedom. For all beings everywhere. And of that freedom is a cultivation of peace, from within. It's taken me a hot second to figure out exactly what it is that will help me to achieve this and how I can share it with others. It's taken being uncomfortable and doing things anyway. More often than not it's required facing challenges, moving through fears & self limitations.
What this has led me to is teaching yoga, something that I can truly say I have passion to do and share. A healthy relationship with myself and my partner. A balanced mind and the ability to see the beauty even when the lights have been dimmed.
So, I am trained in teaching Vinyasa, Hatha & Yin Yoga which combines ancient philosophy and healing from multiple lineages. I am a Reiki practitioner and currently training in Kundalini Yoga. What I offer through my teachings is the perspective that you, me, we are more powerful than we think. That we as humans are not just physical but energetic bodies too, and when we can get in touch with our energetic bodies there is so much that opens. The ability to truly honour yourself and protect your energy. To know what serves you and know when to release what no longer does. I teach people how to accept all aspects of life and realise that each moment is here to serve you, especially the challenges, it is through the challenges we grow. I believe and know it to be true that we are the creators of our own reality, and to create we must believe, trust and feel.
Other than this I own a small business with my partner - Reignite Candle Co. We repurpose wine bottles and make yummy smelling candles out of them. Which we produce and manage between the two of us. Am an independent support worker. A lover of animals, nature and supporting my own mental & physical health as well as that of others. I truly believe that with the right tools and guidance that each of us can reach our unlimited potential.
** All VIP clients have access in the members area for Video Trainings by Natasha.